streetcar named desire, poster
illustration used for a theater poster 'a streetcar named desire'

i was given an empty frame (see example below) and asked to make an illustration, based on 'a streetcar named desire' for those that don't know the two main carachters are called 'stanley' (played by marlon brando in the film) and his wife 'stella'
i chose to illustrate the famous scene where stanley (a working-class man) is calling to his upper-class wife: stella, using just these two famous logos as a collage
... it was used as a poster and in the accompanying booklet for the theater production
i chose to illustrate the famous scene where stanley (a working-class man) is calling to his upper-class wife: stella, using just these two famous logos as a collage
... it was used as a poster and in the accompanying booklet for the theater production