helvetica now (linotype)

entry for the linotype 'helvetica now' contest
submissions have closed but the judging hasn't yet started, so the work hasn't yet been made public
this was the briefing...
Linotype invites designers to submit their poster design work that hasbeen published between 2000 and 2007 and that uses Helvetica as aprimary or secondary typeface. This contest also invites participantsto submit posters (published, unpublished, or new designs) that revolvearound the role of type in modern day life, and the way that typography– and Helvetica – affects our perception of the environment. Themessage and the visual exploration of Helvetica’s presence in our livesare open to every designer’s interpretation, and the use of photographyis allowed.
submissions have closed but the judging hasn't yet started, so the work hasn't yet been made public
this was the briefing...
Linotype invites designers to submit their poster design work that hasbeen published between 2000 and 2007 and that uses Helvetica as aprimary or secondary typeface. This contest also invites participantsto submit posters (published, unpublished, or new designs) that revolvearound the role of type in modern day life, and the way that typography– and Helvetica – affects our perception of the environment. Themessage and the visual exploration of Helvetica’s presence in our livesare open to every designer’s interpretation, and the use of photographyis allowed.